Aust CH Moloscyg Obadiah

Best of breed winner 2006 Sydney Royal Easter Show Obie is pictured just over 3 years of age just a few weeks prior to his export to the Netherlands. He had great bone with a straight front and broad chest, a strong topline, excellent rear angulation and a typical trapezoid head with a visibly repandous jaw. His movement was powerful with true drive as only a strong back end can deliver. At that time he was 71kg. At just 11 1/2 months he was awarded R/up in Group from the Puppy class and Mrs Hubbell (USA) described him as the 'best I have ever seen'. Interestingly she has judged a breed specialty in the US & a number of Dogues at International shows. Obie was only the second Dogue to place at this level under an International judge & he and his mother are still the only DDBx to place in Group under European judges & like her he is also a multi Runner-up in Group winner at Metropolitan Shows & a Multi Best Exhibit in Group winner. Certainly if any dog was said to filling Tazz' shoes he is it! He titled 1 week over 13 months of age & was Challenge dog at Sydney Royal at 13 1/2 months of age! He has certainly been the Europeans dog of choice with a BOB & Junior in Group under Dianne Anderson of Norway who called him 'an outstanding type' followed by Challenge & RuBOB (to Tazz) at Brisbane Royal 2004. At just over 2 years of age he was RuBob at last years Sydney Royal graduating to Best Of Breed this year with many favourable comments regarding his type, structure and movement. At 22mths of age Obie was hip scored with the fantastic result of 0 & elbows grade 0 & OCD free. Sadly, he was killed in transit to Europe. We cannot say more at this point as this is an ongoing issue with the airline involved being sued for negligence. Much missed. Also pictured at 2yrs and 11mths of age. |
Pedigree | ||
Sire : CH Zamadeus Garde D'Honneur du Monde (Imp Belg) | S: Neth CH Buddy-Kobus v.d. Weelsedijkhoeve (Neth) | S: Kobus (Neth) |
D: Gratia (Fr) | ||
D: Melody v. Douvergenhout (Neth) | S: Renville v. Douvergenhout (Neth) | |
D: Ritschy v. Douvergenhout (Neth) | ||
Dam : Aust Grand CH Laruscades Tazz (Imp UK) | S: Int CH Bencevary Royal crown Amadeus (Hun) | S: Coran de El Siscar (Sp) |
D: Korona Brenda (Hun) | ||
D: Tanakadj Szepe Mandi (Imp Hun) | S: Fr CH Iroc de la Gaie Maisonnee (Fr) | |
D: Minnie del Pardo (Sp) |